Faethon Skyrace 2024
The race starts from the Central Square of Kokkinoplos at 1115m altitude, follows for 800m asphalt until we find the E4 path on our right hand side. We follow the traversing path, slowly entering the forest, we find in front of us the first Cp “Kioski” at 2,2 km (alt. 1350m), we continue straight following a slightly downhill course and we enter the Stalamatias Stream. The trail now continues in the forest with a slight uphill slope until 5.3 km (alt.1650m), where it turns sharply right and continues on the slope of Smeos in a traverse until Smeo 8.2 km (alt.2100m). There, on a dirt road, there is a Checkpoint and Refueling Station.
Leaving the Station we follow an alpine ridge with incredible views until Hodza 12,0 km (altitude 2586m) (the highest point of the race, there is a Control Point). From Hozza we turn left towards Kanaki ridge running in alpine meadows until Diaselo Kardara at 13,8 km (altitude 2340m), again on a dirt road, there is Cp and the second Refueling Station!
We enter the alpine ridges of western Olympus, a unique trail that moves for at least 4km on the ridges of the peaks Kardaras 2420m, Flamburo 2460m, Citros 2430m. From the third peak in the series, that of Citrus, we turn left and descend steeply in a westerly direction. We are on the long descent of the race from 2400m to 1120m (1300m in 6 km) until the square of Kokkinopoulos.
We follow the downhill trail to the Rudi fountain 20,3 km 1740m, there is a Cp and a water station! After the fountain Rudi with a slight left turn we enter the Forest, last part of the route that goes downhill until Kioski 21,5 km, (altitude 1350m), where we turn left and continue again on the E4 until we find the asphalt road and the entrance to Kokkinopoulos, from there we continue through the village until the finish at 23,3 km of the route.