Church of Panagia | Pythio

The church of Panagia at Pythio is a three-aisled basilica with a wooden roof, built in 1638. The church used to function as a monastery and is decorated with lovely murals. It is unique in that it has the only cyclical bell tower in Greece.

Archaeological site of Pythio

Excavations in Pythio revealed the temple of Poseidon from the 4th century BC and various other religious areas in its vicinity. The headless statue of a man was also found, identified as that of the god Apollo, and archaeologists are now striving to discover his glorious temple.

Cave Hermitage of Pythio

At the western plateaus of Olympus, close to Pithio village, two small chapels are preserved inside caves which were ascetic dwellings of anchorite monks. Murals dating back to the 14th century are still evident on the walls.

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